citizen cyclists making urban spaces liveable

11 December 2010

Beach Cruisers on Bourke Street

bikes on bourke street

Ah Sydney Summer and beach cruisers on the Bourke Street cycle way, what more could you ask for?

Will be heading down to Bondi tomorrow for some cycle chic snapping with Miss Joyce from Cycle Style who's visiting from Melbourne.  
I've promised her lots of Bondi beach babe bike action and we have a reputation to keep up!
And yes Copenhagen, there might even be some bikini bike shots to warm you up if you're really lucky...


Colville-Andersen said...

Bikini shots. Now. Hurry.

Anonymous said...


Nice photo - they make great sandwiches (the cafe behind them, I mean...

That whole area is really fabulous, especially with the new bike lanes.

Paul Martin